Welcome to NJ CoCoRaHS! The Garden State is delighted to be participating in the growing CoCoRaHS network. NJ CoCoRaHS observers provide important information about precipitation that is used by meteorologists, hydrologists, farmers, water resource managers, and your friends and neighbors. Anyone with an interest in the weather or the environment is invited to participate. For more information on the NJ CoCoRaHS chapter, please contact one of the state coordinators.
What do I need to participate?
All that's needed to be a CoCoRaHS participant is the desire to watch and report weather conditions, access to an Internet-connected computer, the appropriate measurement tools (a 4" diameter plastic rain gauge and a ruler), and most importantly, the desire to watch and report weather conditions.
The rain gauges are available for purchase from various suppliers (we suggest WeatherYourWay.com).
How do I join?
Signing up to become a CoCoRaHS observer is easy. Just click on the Join CoCoRaHS link and complete the application form. The application form will ask you for your station coordinates, which can be estimated from websites such as http://www.latlong.net/. After applying, you will receive a login and password. Once you have a rain gauge, you can log in to report your observations, which will then begin appearing on the tables and maps!
Training is provided and required for CoCoRaHS observers. Training is available through training webinars and animations on the CoCoRaHS HQ YouTube channel, written instructions on the CoCoRaHS website, through training slide shows, or occasional in-person or virtual group training sessions. Announcements of training sessions will be made below and sent to volunteers. No training sessions scheduled at this timeNJ CoCoRaHS Partners
Thanks to our NJ CoCoRaHS partners!
