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Frost Report  
Station Number: KY-CB-10
Station Name: Wilder 0.2 ESE
Observation Date 7/26/2024 7:00 AM
Submitted 7/29/2024 8:05 AM
Taken at registered location Yes
Frost Coverage No frost
Minimum air temperature 17.3 C (63.2 F) @ 6:35 a.m. Maximum air temperature 31.0 C (87.8 F) @ 4:22 p.m. Thermometer calibration was checked. Thermometer originally had 0.2 C error near the 20 C mark for several years and was still 0.2 C four weeks ago and now has 0.5 C error at this mark. Had to readjust temperatures the last 2 weeks on a linear interpolation.